Satish K. Pandey

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics &
Center for Quantum Technologies
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi)
New Delhi, Delhi-110020, India

Office: A-206 (R&D Building)
Phone: (+91)11-26907369
e-mail: satish [at] iiitd [dot] ac [dot] in

Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at IIIT-Delhi. Prior to joining IIIT-Delhi, I was a PBC postdoctoral research fellow in the Faculty of Mathematics at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, working with Orr Shalit.

I earned my PhD in Pure Mathematics in 2018 from the Department of Pure Mathematics at University of Waterloo under the supervision of Vern Paulsen.

Mathematically, I am a descendant of Gauss, Euler, Halmos and Hilbert.


Research Interests: Operator theory (univariate and multivariate), operator algebras, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and quantum information theory.

Research profiles: Google Scholar   MathSciNet   arXiv   ORCiD

Accepted or Published

7. S. K. Pandey, Universally symmetric norming operators are compact, Operators and Matrices (2022). [arXiv:1705.08297]
6. D. Ofek, S. K. Pandey, O. M. Shalit, Distance between reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and geometry of finite sets in the unit ball, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2021). [arXiv:2011.06578]
5. M. Gerhold, S. K. Pandey, O. M. Shalit, B. Solel, Dilations of unitary tuples, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2021). [arXiv:2006.01869]
4. P. Ganesan, L. Gao, S. K. Pandey, S. Plosker, Quantum majorization on semifinite von Neumann algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis (2020). [arXiv:1909.10038]
3. S. K. Pandey, V. I. Paulsen, J. Prakash, M. Rahaman, Entanglement breaking rank and the existence of SIC POVMs, Journal of Mathematical Physics (2020). [arXiv:1805.04583]
2. S. K. Pandey, A spectral characterization of absolutely norming operators on s.n.ideals, Operators and Matrices (2017). [arXiv:1610.02095]
1. S. K. Pandey, V. I. Paulsen, A spectral characterization of \(\mathcal{AN}\) operators, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (2017). [arXiv:1501.05869]

PhD Thesis

S. K. Pandey, Symmetrically-normed ideals and characterizations of absolutely norming operators, UWSpace - University of Waterloo's Institutional Repository (2018).

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